From time
to time you will wake up and from time to time you will go back to sleep.
During this time you will be able to connect with the Source as never before.
However, in these paths, times and all the opportunities you will be misled.
When you separate yourself from others all else, you will fall again and see
that what you want to find is far from you. Your encounter cannot be a
coincidence, it will be the consciousness that will call you to recognize your
indicators and impulses that will call you from the inside- they will be more
important than what others will say about you, it will be more important than
what you say or think about yourself...
It won't
matter what you think of them ... it will fade like an angular perspective in
your reality, in front of your eyes, like a broken puzzle ...
You will be called as a creator as the new puzzle-maker ... You will bring new
values from the within, you will rise up for what you are, as the one who has
always been in you. You will not be able to recognize who is calling you until
you put aside assumptions of being higher, being wiser, being different, being
more blessed and chosen among others ... It will call you from the inside to
fulfill you so that you will never see another different than yourself. .. so
that you will never again put yourself higher than others, so that you never
separate some higher and lower layers around you. As long as you see yourself
as a hero, as a victim, as a superior, you will be deeply sleeping ... and from
time to time you will be awakened again; pain in your chest will make you fall
deep into the ground and call for the love for yourself.
We have always loved you, however, you will be asleep thinking that you are
awake. You will not be awake as long as you see the man in a dirty coat, a
nasty speech and a rotten odor as something outside of yourself; you will not
be awake as long as you loath a murderer.
You are in the wonderful light of the Source now, you can't not feel it, you
feel it already. Pray for yourself, recognize the sleep and see yourself waking
up, because soon you will go back to sleep, thinking that you will never fall
asleep again.
you really find yourself, before you really rise, you will have to fall down,
being misled many times by thinking that someone else has helped you to get up,
that some higher being has helped you, that separating yourself from others has
helped you.
rising will take place at a time that will have no material value, the rising
will take place, opening your inner energy like a golden coat with a silver
filling; opening it will illuminate everything around and there will me not one
thing that is not worthy of this light.
You are our evolution and we are yours. Let it happen again.
Deep within the heart .. Linda Vitolina